“Khao Chae Savoey” - Fragrant Chilled Rice & Condiments This unusual dish originated from a Songkran (Thai New Year) tradition practiced by the Mon ethnic group. The dish soon grew in favor and found its way onto the plates of Thai royalty, evolving into a delicious ‘palace’ dish. Jasmine rice is served in a bowl of cool, jasmine-scented water with a bevy of small, intensely-flavored sides, Anya-style. They include caramelized minced fish, sweet peppers stuffed with chicken and shrimp, red onion stuffed with exotic ray stuffed, salty-and-sweet pickled radish, and a soothing mushroom side.
This unusual dish originated from a Songkran (Thai New Year) tradition practiced by the Mon ethnic group. The dish soon grew in favor and found its way onto the plates of Thai royalty, evolving into a delicious ‘palace’ dish. Jasmine rice is served in a bowl of cool, jasmine-scented water with a bevy of small, intensely-flavored sides, Anya-style. They include caramelized minced fish, sweet peppers stuffed with chicken and shrimp, red onion stuffed with exotic ray stuffed, salty-and-sweet pickled radish, and a soothing mushroom side.